Valentines Day can mean different things for different people. Whether for you it is candlelit meals, chocolate hearts, roses or just another reason for the card makers to cash in, it can also be a difficult time for many.
However you feel about Valentines , we want to encourage you to use it as an opportunity to take care of yourself and remind yourself that you not only deserved to be loved, cared for and respected by others, but also by you! It sounds a bit cliche , but loving yourself and being whole as person in your own right is the best foundation for happy and healthy relationships with other people.
Loving yourself means taking good care of yourself. This Valentines day take some time, even if its just a few minutes to do something completely for yourself. Have a hot bubble bath, re-open that book you’ve been meaning to read, get yourself your favourite treat or meal to eat or go for walk. We all become so preoccupied with taking care of everyone else, we forget about the person we should love the most….ourselves.
If you have experienced, or are experiencing abuse then taking care of yourself might be about taking that step to seek some support, and finally talk to someone about what you’ve been going through. At Safespots we offer a safe and friendly place to talk. If you are ready to make steps to change things we can help. If you aren’t, we are here to listen and support you. At Safespots we run courses and individual sessions on Healthy Relationships and Confidence Building to help you work come to terms with what you have been through and rebuild, as well as working closely with other specialist support organisations. Caroline,a trained legal adviser can help you navigate the legal system of family law too.
Make this Valentines Day 2019 about you and love yourself first.