Welcoming everybody to a Safespots September!
Welcome to Safespots. We are honoured to have you all back for our sessions starting up again in September, as we embark on this journey
A safe friendly environment for women
A safe friendly environment for women
Wythenshawe Safespots is a user led domestic abuse organisation based in South Manchester. Since 2016, Safespots have recorded over 13,000 engagements with women who have experienced, or are experiencing domestic abuse.
The organisation was founded by local survivors of domestic abuse who wanted to help other women, who like them, had experienced abuse by providing a local centre where they could access help, support and friendship.
Safespots is more than just a centre, it is a place in the community where you can find information, help and advice. Information about domestic abuse should be easy to access and people should not be afraid to talk about it.
Safespots drop in centre, located in the heart of Wythenshawe, provides a friendly non-judgemental and confidential service for women. If you or anybody you know need support, we are here to help. Our helpline is open Monday to Friday 10am-4pm. To find out more about our services or arrange a face to face appointment please call the Safespots helpline number 07873889637.
Domestic abuse can be any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between people who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender. This includes forced marriage and abuse within same sex relationships. Domestic abuse can affect anyone, whatever your background.
Your small contribution will make a huge difference and help us to continue our support of local women.
The cost to the service to help one woman is £150. For a donation of £150 in addition to a link to your business on our website we will advertise within our women’s centre and thank you on our social media pages.
For £600 we can help 4 women. For a donation of £600 in addition to the Lilac benefits above you will receive a rolling banner advert for six months on our website and a rolling advert on our facebook cover photo for six months.
With £1500 or above we can help at least 10 women fleeing abuse. As a platinum sponsor you will receive all of the benefits above for one year, plus a “sponsored by insert business name” on all advertising materials for one year.
Welcome to Safespots. We are honoured to have you all back for our sessions starting up again in September, as we embark on this journey
For the last six weeks here at Safespots we’ve been running ‘Music Mondays’ for our ladies, which involved song writing, playing instruments and singing, which
We had a very special guest come join us at the centre in January. The Lord Mayor of Manchester, Yasmine Dar. Our ladies had the
Your contributions make a huge difference to the lives of the women we support
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